Product Management Memes for Product Managers

Product Manager trying to get all the different departments to work together on the new product

Product Manager trying to get all the different departments to work together on the new product - Product Manager Memes

So the Product Manager wants all the departments to work together on the new product, but it's like herding cats. The engineers are off in their own world, the designers are fussing over font sizes, and the sales team is just talking about their golf game.

The Product Manager has tried everything - team-building exercises, mandatory group lunches, even a trust fall (which didn't end well). But nothing seems to be working.

So now, the Product Manager has resorted to desperate measures. They've locked all the department heads in a room together with nothing but a whiteboard and an endless supply of coffee. They're not allowed to leave until they come up with a plan that everyone agrees on.

Meanwhile, the rest of the office can hear muffled shouting and occasional banging on the walls. It's like the Hunger Games, but for office workers. And all the while, the Product Manager is just praying that they don't come out with pitchforks and torches.

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